Better Off Bald: Episode 32 — Days 118 – 123
I am asking for an immediate 504 Hearing (504 being the section of the Rehabilitation Act that covers educational programs). Schools must make reasonable (five hours is not reasonable) accommodations to ensure full, meaningful access to educational programs for eligible, handicapped persons. As a cancer patient, Adrienne is protected under the Rehabilitation Act. I expect this hearing to occur as soon as possible. Adrienne deserves the same education as her peers; she should not be punished for having cancer.
Adrienne with her favorite dog Sophie in Arizona © Labor Day weekend 2000
Better Off Bald chronicles my sister Adrienne’s 147-day battle with liver cancer; the book also shows how I reared Adrienne from the time she was eight until she died at the age of fifteen. For more information about primary liver cancer, go to Blue Faery: The Adrienne Wilson Liver Cancer Association.